Typography and layout
We master the best software in the industry and are well equipped to carry out all types of jobs.
Well Equipped
The Mardigrafe team has 34 years of experience. We master the best software in the industry and we are well equipped: digital presses, finishing and shaping equipment, film imagesetter, scanner, macro photography studio, calibrated and GRACoL certified proofing system, photo editing system, very high speed Internet, FTP server, back-up system for protecting your data on site and off site (not in the Cloud). Nothing is left to chance to ensure your peace of mind. We control costs, deadlines, quality.
From print to the Web
The layout must be adapted to the two main media: paper and screens. Both complement each other; they are part of any communication strategy. With Mardigrafe, it is reassuring to be able to count on a team that is able to offer you solutions that are totally adapted to your needs, may they be : layout from your files, texts and images or from your databases or spreadsheets, creating interactive PDF files and forms and digital ePub books, adaptation of your visuals according to the print and the Web, including PowerPoint adaptations for conventions, exhibition stands.
Quality typography
Typography. This is another area where our know-how is recognized. We were among the first to introduce in Quebec the famous ProLexis™ typographic correction software. We know and apply the typographic code standards. We distinguish French quotation marks from English and German quotation marks, etc. We set the hyphenation and typographic color (the grey value, or density, of a mass of type on the page) for optimal readability. Small caps, ligatures, lower-case numbers, mathematical characters and other special characters as well as typographic fine settings complete our arsenal. Readability is always at the heart of our work. You will be proud of your documents.
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Foreign languages
Mardigrafe is multilingual. We can produce bilingual or multilingual documents in English, French, Spanish, but also in Italian, German, Russian and many other languages. We respect the typographic uses of each language: hyphenation, use of quotation marks, particularities of non-Latin alphabets, diacritics, etc.
Proofreading and linguistic revision
Our proofreaders are professionals whose job is “to see the mistakes and not to see some mistakes*”. An absolutely indispensable service, and so inexpensive that one would be crazy to do without! Because when typos remain, they’re the only thing we see…
* Charles Gouriou, Mémento typographique, Hachette.
Linguistic Revision
Revision is an in-depth correction, which touches the syntax, the grammar, the construction of the sentences, the organization of the ideas. This correction should absolutely be done before going into production. Otherwise, significant changes to the text will upset the layout and lead to additional delays and costs … that are preventable!
Proofreading is done when the work is in production, when the text has been revised and when it is typographically formatted. This involves locating the typos as well as ensuring the uniformity of the typographic formatting according to the levels of text and the application of the typographic code.
If one doubts the usefulness of proofreading, one has only to think about the consequences of a forgotten error.
Quality control and Coordination
We make sure your work is done according to your specifications. And we do not let anything slip through.
See to the slightest detail
Before you receive a proof set, your work is thoroughly reviewed. We keep our eyes open and our minds on alert until the end of the project. Everything is verified: compliance with the initial mandate, format, safety margins, bleed, color space and image resolution, typographic grid, text formatting, typographic color, widow and orphan text lines, printing specifications, papers, finishing, quantities and quality of the printing. Close monitoring of the schedule and on time delivery.
Your projects followed closely
Thanks to our computerized project tracking system, we know at all times at what stage is your project. We respect your deadlines and stay focused on the original goal. This is our priority! In a nutshell: We guarantee your peace of mind so that you can take care of other emergencies!
Scanning and photo editing
We can scan printed texts to convert them to editable files. We scan photos, crop them, retouch them, adjust colors. Expert work!
Optical character recognition
We can scan at high speed a printout that you want to re-edit but whose source file no longer exists or cannot be opened. Once the scanning is done, OCR (optical character recognition) comes into play and we can give you an editable Word or Libre Office file. It is strongly recommended that you perform a proofread before publication as the interpretation software process can produce errors.
High resolution Scanning
We produce your color scans with an exceptional resolution of up to 8000 pixels per inch and a density range of 4.0 for a faithful rendering of the smallest details, as well in the highlights as in the dark zones. We offer a macro photography service for objects or originals that can not be scanned on a flatbed scanner.
Cut-out and retouching
We offer you all the possibilities of photo retouching, color adjustments, colorization and color substitution. Not to mention special effects, duotones, image reworkings, blends, fades and transparency effects. Our experts know what they’re doing!
At Mardigrafe, your files are not in the Cloud. They are secure on our servers, on-site and off-site. You can get them back at any time. They belong to you.
Your files are safe
Your files are safe at Mardigrafe and you can recover them at any time. They are archived on-site and off-site, but always on our high capacity systems. We can archive on external digital media; create your private space on our FTP server; create archival PDFs; extract the text from the formatted file so that you have the latest corrected version on hand, ready for use elsewhere; extract the images; create databases.
You are free as a bird!
We never hinder the recovery of the files we produce for you. It’s a business policy and a guarantee of peace of mind for you. Your files belong to you and you can dispose of them without restriction, with the exception of the applications themselves and the fonts, whose copy is forbidden. That’s all ! When we tell you that we simplify your life! Rumour has it that some of our competitors do not offer you this freedom… Do not throw yourself into the lion’s mouth!