Historical books
In collaboration with historian Denis Gravel, we offer a full publishing service to create books on the history of businesses, municipalities and other organizations.

Tell Your Story
Historian Denis Gravel and Mardigrafe join forces to offer businesses, nonprofit and nonprofit organizations and municipalities a complete service of historical publications, tailor-made to meet the most varied needs.
A seasoned historian
Denis Gravel has written more than fifty historical works. He has also directed historical monographs, notably Les Industries à LaSalle from 1912 to 2002 (Éditions Histoire Québec, 2004). The Messager LaSalle’s website publishes articles on the political, social and economic life of the southwest region of Montreal.

Turnkey projects
Denis Gravel is the co-author of the book Owners and Promoters in LaSalle, more than a century of economic evolution that received the Léonidas-Bélanger Prize in 2012, awarded by the Federation of Quebec History Societies for the entire project. At the same time historian, editor, researcher, speaker, author and trainer, Denis Gravel has several strings to his bow to make your book, your memory album, your photo exhibition.
Let us take care of everything
Mardigrafe offers a turnkey project concept in partnership with Denis Gravel. Historical research and writing are added to the graphics, layout and printing; all the specialties that have made Mardigrafe famous since 1986. We offer a bespoke service to create books on the history of businesses, municipalities and other organizations.