Graphic Design
Graphic design to serve your message and tailor-made for your organization. Creative visuals perfectly adapted to your reality and in which you recognize yourself.
An important role
Every graphic achievement results from the work of many people. Upstream, there is you, the content creators, who determine the goal. Downstream, there is the Mardigrafe team, who creates the image that will showcase the content you have patiently crafted. We play a crucial role in spreading your ideas.

A graphic design to your measure
When you entrust it to us at the graphic design stage, Mardigrafe takes charge of your project as a whole. We make sure of its feasibility within the original budget framework. But first, we make sure to fully understand the mandate entrusted to us.
On paper, on screen
Our creative team shapes your project: sketches, models, graphic and typographic choices, arrangement of elements, calibration and framing of photos and illustrations, choice of papers – grammage, texture, color, finish – and colors. Everything is adapted, calibrated and realized according to the final destination of your project: print or Web.